What We Do

The goal is to engage youth while giving them skills that lead to life-changing opportunities.

Our Mission

The Doers Lab is a six-week series of professional development workshops focused on youth empowerment that will culminate into a seven-day international trip through our exchange program to global offshore wind sites. The goal is to meet the youth at their interest level while supplementing them with skills that will give them opportunities for equitable employment in a bustling offshore wind green energy initiative in the New Bedford area.

Orsted Offshore Wind Command Center - Grimsby, U.K.

“It was a very enlightening experience for me to travel with my daughter and the Doers Lab squad. I witnessed the young people connect, bond, and motivate each other to try new things and see new places. I can’t thank their team enough for having our family partake in such a unique experience with so many valuable memories.”

- Scott Bishop, Parent of Doers Lab Student & New Bedford Artist.

“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” — Maya Angelou.

Our Deliverables

Nyla & Stephanie - Buckingham Palace

“Going through the Doers Lab has helped me see the world through a larger lens, and this experience has helped me step into my leadership journey in the community. I’ve made so many new friends and learned many new skills. This trip has opened my ideas on what I can do and the places I want to see. I’m now a peer leader for Doers Lab and look forward to next year’s cohort to share this experience with the new kids coming in!“

- Stephanie Cerritos, Doers Lab Peer Leader

  • Creating pathways to offshore wind careers.

  • Attaining passports for the youth.

  • Opening bank accounts for the youth.

  • Providing stipends for youth participation

  • Connecting youth with vital community resources and shareholders.

  • Providing financial literacy and job readiness skills.

  • Instilling crucial aspects of Entrepreneurship through conscious capitalism.

  • Providing life-changing experiences through our international exchange program.